What is coaching exactly?
Coaching is an agreement between the Coach and the Client in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires the Client to maximise their personal potential. It is designed to help develop personal and/or professional goals by developing a plan and turning it into action.
How to schedule a session?
You can send me a message after which I will contact you to make an appointment.
How long does a session last and where does it take place?
You yourself can choose to have the session online, in the practice room or while walking. Each choice has its advantages. You should do what you feel comfortable with. A session lasts 60 to 90 minutes. Out of respect for your time, I will make sure we get the most out of the session in the short time we have.
What to expect from a session?
Trust, peace and authenticity are three values you will find in a session. Guiding questions are used to structure the conversation so that the session will feel unforced and organic for you. It is a conversation between two adults where respect, equality and trust are central.
Coach-client relationship
What does the collaboration entail?
The client and coach agree to enter into a coaching journey where sessions can continue online, while walking or in practice. The Coach will be available between sessions via e-mail and WhatsApp.
The Coach can also be available for additional time, at the client's request at a rate of €70 per hour (e.g. for additional coaching, reviewing documents, reading or writing reports such as CV/ job application letter/ etc., engaging other client-related services outside coaching hours).
What if it doesn't work for me?
If you are fully committed, it will work! It is a relationship between two adults. Consequently, the Coach is solely responsible for shaping his/her own physical, mental and emotional well-being and making and implementing decisions, actions and results arising from or resulting from the coaching process. The Coach is not liable or responsible for actions/non-actions or for any direct or indirect result of services provided by the Coach.
I am already attending therapy with someone. What to do?
Coaching is not therapy or a substitute for therapy. It can, however, be perfectly complementary. It is important to make this known to your therapist.
What are the coach's obligations?
The Coach agrees to abide by the ethics and standards of conduct as established by the Association for Coaching "(AC)" general codes of ethics. It is recommended that the Client reviews the AC Code of Ethics and applicable standards of conduct -
Can I pay in instalments?
You can choose to pay the amount in instalments. This can be in two or three parts, depending on the course you choose.
Cancellation policy
How do I cancel a session?
Wanneer je niet aanwezig kunt zijn op de afspraak, verzoek ik je vriendelijk om dit zo spoedig mogelijk door te geven zodat ik de sessie kan verplaatsen of eventueel annuleren. Je kan online de afspraak
tot 48 uur op voorhand kosteloos annuleren
. Gelieve steeds telefonisch te annuleren.
Bij een
laattijdige annulatie
48 uur tot 24 uur,
ben ik helaas genoodzaakt om een kost aan te rekenen van
€35. Bij een annulatie
binnen 24 uur
of bij het niet komen opdagen, ben ik helaas genoodzaakt het volledige bedrag van de sessie aan te rekenen. Indien er sprake is van overmacht, wordt deze kost kwijtgescholden.
In case of force majeur:
- Een onaangekondigde staking van het openbaar vervoer
- An accident, either of the client or his/her children/partner living at home
- A sudden death of a family member or 1st-degree relatives (parents, brothers, sisters)
- Sudden illness
What if I am late to a session?
It may happen that you are late due to unexpected circumstances. Out of mutual respect for each other's time and energy, if you are >10 minutes late, the session will be cancelled and rescheduled. The cancellation policy (see above) applies here.
What if I wish to stop the course?
Zowel de cliënt als de coach kan op ieder moment het traject stopzetten. De diensten die t.e.m. de beëindiging van de relatie zijn verleend, dienen vergoedt te worden.
Other Question?